Which Way Are We Walking in North Wales?
Clues in the mud colours, wildflowers and more… Mud in ruts is wetter and darker on shaded south side. Wildflowers more common in south-facing spots.…
Clues in the mud colours, wildflowers and more… Mud in ruts is wetter and darker on shaded south side. Wildflowers more common in south-facing spots.…
The video above was filmed from a train in England. Watch it a couple of times and see if you can work out which direction…
A Guest Blog by Christian Turek “Complete freedom is not what a trail offers. Quite the opposite; a trail is a tactful reduction of options.”…
Giant Viper’s-Bugloss, Echium pininana, is a tall flowering plant in the borage family, native to La Palma in the Canary Islands. It shows a strong…
There are no plants that like being trampled on by humans or animals, but there are some that specialise in surviving in these tough zones.…
Rosebay willowherb (Chamerion angustifolium) is tall late-summer wildflower with distinctive pink-purple flowers that grow in tall spikes from July-September, with spirals of lance-like leaves. It…
Weld (Reseda luteola) is a tall, hairless biennial plant found on dry ground. It grows up to 1.5m tall and has green-yellow flowers. It thrives…
When looking at any grassy area, it is easy to see a uniform swathe of green. But if we stop and peer, we find that…
The paperback of The Secret World of Weather is out today – in the UK! I am very excited by that and this morning’s weather…
I’m back from a routine ‘sharpener’, one of the short, intense natural navigation exercises that I like to do regularly to keep my hand in…
Foxgloves – Digitalis purpurea – are a sign you are near the edge of the woods. The flowers point away from the trees.
Welcome Welcome to the first in a new nature’s clues and signs series. Over the coming months I will be heading out on a series…
The bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) is a perennial bluish-purple bell-shaped wildflower of the Lily family (Liliaceae). It is a European plant, common in the British Isles.…
The Wood Anemone (Anemone nemorosa) is a pretty perennial wildflower of damp deciduous woodland, scrub, hedgerows and ditches. It has earned the nickname ‘windflower’, possibly…
There was heavy snow in the early hours of Sunday morning. We didn’t need any more encouragement. The Gooley family set off for an explore…
Our brains are pattern-recognising machines. This is true everywhere, but not least in nature, where it honed these skills over millions of years. Bird calls,…
Water-pepper, Persicaria hydropiper, is a bitter tasting map-maker. It is an inconspicuous annual plant, but it is useful to natural navigators. It grows up to…
This is a time lapse of daisies opening and orientating themselves towards the sun. It was filmed over a couple of hours and compressed down…
by Tristan Gooley Time outdoors has become precious and there’s a joy in this. We’re all about to get better at appreciating the beauty and…
The Common dog-violet – Viola riviniana – flowers in spring, from April to June. (The ‘dog’ part of the name refers to its lack of…
Common Centaury – Centaurium erythraea – is a small pretty flower, with five pink petals and a yellow centre. It is found in fairly dry…