Photo of snowy Sussex woodland trail Photo of snowy Sussex woodland trail

Tree Lichens and Royalty


In these four pictures we are looking at the same beech tree. See if you can work out which way you are looking in each picture. If you hover your mouse over each picture it should give you the answer.

If it has been a bit quiet on the blog recently, it’s because it has been a very busy time for the last few weeks with the launch of my new book, The Natural Explorer.

Thanks for all the positive feedback and nice reviews. I’ll be giving some more talks over the coming months, including at literary festivals in Cornwall, Wales and Scotland. It is quite an unusual talk, so it would be great if you can make it to one. What are you doing tomorrow? I’ll be at the Daphne du Maurier Festival of Arts and Literature in Fowey, Cornwall. See you there, I hope.

The theme of the Natural Explorer is enriching each journey, however small, by understanding how we can become more aware of our surroundings. I know some of you with an interest in natural navigation will also be considering some seriously big journeys too and so there is a new book I can recommend for that end of the scale, Tim Moss’ ‘How to Get to the North Pole‘. It’s great, full of practical tips for taking on some of the monster challenges out there.

In one of the biggest road trips I can remember, last week I visited the Lake District, the Scottish Highands and the North East of England. It was all work, but good fun too and I discovered two totally new natural navigation techniques whilst exploring the hills between jobs. So watch this space!

For all the great times I’ve had at festivals and in the outdoors over the past few weeks, I’d be being dishonest if I didn’t admit that one of the most fun days was celebrating the extraordinary achievements (endurance and fundraising) of those who took part in the Scott-Amundsen Centenary Race. I’d also be lying if I didn’t admit that one highlight of that day was getting to meet the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Outrageous name-drop! Forgive me. Outrageous suit in the video too. Forgive me.

I’ve owned this suit for a couple of years, but wear it only for certain appropriate occasions, like scaring the future King and Queen. When I put it on the other day, my younger son came up to me as I inspected my tie in the mirror and asked, ‘Daddy, why are you still in your pyjamas?’

Where is this blog post going? No idea. Lost.

Oh well, there may be many better blogs out there, but few that combine outdoor skills and royalty name-dropping quite so brazenly.

Happy navigating!
