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The Mexican Pyramids, Water and the Cosmos

A Guest Blog by Olly Pearson

During a recent expedition to Mexico with a leading researcher in megalithic sites, we focused our attention on an area known as ‘The Zone of Silence’, an enigmatic place in the north of Mexico near the U.S. border. This desert region, renowned for its high levels of electromagnetism, attracts scientists from all over the world, including NASA. It is a puzzling and alarming place; radio signals are lost, compasses stop working and there was a U.S. Athena rocket crash in 1970. It’s also a hotspot for meteorites and thousands lie in large clusters.  

Interestingly, this strange place is in close alignment with the Bermuda Triangle, the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Himalayas, on the 27th Parallel North. Around 200 million years ago, in the Mesozoic Era, this region was covered by the Tethys Sea; now all that remains is an ancient seabed.  This barren, mountainous and hard-to-reach landscape offers some fascinating evidence of the existence of ancient cultures, including pyramidal structures and ancient cave art.

We were granted permission to research and survey an area around a pyramid in the desert on private land. I was intrigued to discover a water source flowing towards the pyramid. This was not a total surprise, our earlier research had revealed that almost every pyramid around the world is either built on a water source or very close to one. This includes Chichen Itza in the Yucatán Peninsula, along with many other pyramidal structures built near cenotes (naturally occurring sinkholes with a pool of water at the bottom).  

Mercury has also been found underneath various pyramids around the world, most notoriously in China and Mexico. Soil samples from underneath the pyramidal tomb of the first Emperor of China have been found to contain high levels of mercury. During the trip we researched the Quetzalcoatl (Feathered Serpent) Pyramid, which is part of the Teotihuacán pyramid complex. Yet again liquid mercury has been discovered below in relatively large quantities. Why would water and mercury be found under so many of the Earth’s pyramids?  

From our investigations, I have come to believe that water is more than just a resource for basic consumption. Water is essential to all life and it has always been revered. It is mentioned 722 times in the Bible – more times than love, faith and worship – and the Quran states that every living thing has been created from water. Its importance can also be seen, for example, through some of the incredible ancient cave art that I was priveleged to witness during our time in the desert. High up in the mountains, we visited three caves that had myriad carvings, a few of which particularly caught our eye. These carvings were ancient symbols that represented water. Furthermore, these symbols have been seen all over the world, including places in Africa and Asia. Tribes and indigenous people have attached such a strong importance to water for thousands of years, believing that it symbolises their connection to the cosmos.  

Some meteorite studies have shown that the levels of deuterium found in the water in the meteorites match the levels of deuterium that are found in water on the Earth’s surface, which hints that some of the Earth’s surface water may have come from outer space. This links nicely to the ancient view of water, that it came from the cosmos. The relationship between water and the cosmos was embodied by one ancient culture in particular: the Mayans. Many of the Mayan pyramids that we saw during the trip had huge courtyard areas which they would fill with water, creating a pool that would act as a mirror for reflecting the stars in the night sky, so that the Mayan astronomers could observe the cosmos.  

We are familiar with the idea of using the stars for navigation, and astronavigation goes back millennia, to the times of ancient civilizations. Therefore, I would argue that it would be logical for ancient civilizations to incorporate this knowledge into the construction and astronomical alignment of major structures such as pyramids. There is a theory that the Pyramids of Giza are potentially aligned to the Orion Constellation, but a lesser known fact about the Teotihuacán Pyramids is that the vertices of the Pyramid of the Moon are aligned to the Northeast with the Summer Solstice sunrise and to the Southwest with the Winter Solstice sunset. This archaeoastronomical alignment indicates the advanced understanding of celestial mechanics that ancient cultures had. In addition, the 3 pyramids of Teotihuacán and the 3 pyramids in Giza seem to mimic each other in the way the pyramids were placed. They are almost perfectly aligned with one another and both strike a resemblance to the positioning of the stars in the Orion constellation. Is it possible that these two ancient cultures were connected in some way, given the incredible geometrical alignment of their pyramids? 

There is still a lot more research that needs to be done, but through this incredible journey in Mexico my horizons have been broadened and my respect for ancient cultures and their knowledge of the natural world has increased significantly. My appetite for new discoveries has grown, and hopefully through more investigation, we will be able to discover the link between the mysteries of water, pyramids and the cosmos.  

It does makes me wonder, what knowledge did ancient civilizations hold that we have lost today? 
